I hope everyone is having a nice Sunday fun day. Apologizes for the lack of blogging this week, I’ve been fighting the flu for the past 2
weeks, feeling better now though. This spring I’m really loving white pieces, I’ve
you’re looking for a new lip gloss I would definitely recommend this one by
Dior, what I love about this lip gloss is that it appears transparent over
lipsticks, or you can wear it by itself. I’ve been wearing it for a week now
and I haven’t...
The nice folk at Candy Kittens HQ would like me to share this with you guys
Watch this funny video and find out why Jamie, and so many others are Saying No To Chocolate this Easter, If you can't see the video with your phones Here is the link
Summer is in the air here in London so dark coloured clothing has been put aside for the moment. I don’t usually wear white, so I
decided to wear an outfit completely dedicated to the colour, White has...
It’s safe to say I’ve become a little bit addicted to
Skinnydip products, after the buying the phone case, I then bought a phone bag
to carry my phone in. It was so pretty I just couldn’t resist, your phone is
always on you and seen alot...
I’ve been meaning to do a “what’s in my bag” blogpost or
youtube video for awhile now, I also intended to do an outfit
post with this clutch from Miss Selfridge back in February, so I thought it would be nice to combined the two and...